Crops Online news

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Black Friday Deal: Crops Online Lite two months for free

Are you also curious about the status of the crops, but you cannot visit them always. Then Crops Online is the ideal solution for you!

From 17 to 30 November we have a Black Friday Deal for Crops Online Lite. When you order Crops Online Lite in this period, then you can use it two months for free without activation costs. 

Crops Online makes it very easy to view the status of the crops, regardless of where they are located. All you need is an internet connection at the growing location and someone who enter the crop information on the spot. You can think of all kinds of crop checks, cultivation activities, harvest times and quantities, etc. You can also add photos with the crops, so that you can also see how crops are displayed.

With our Black Friday Deal, you can use Crops Online Lite for free for two months. This version is for one user, one growing location and a maximum of 50 crops, but can easily be expanded with more users and locations.

With Crops Online Lite, you also get the following modules included:

  • Crops Online Field Checks
  • Crops Online Excel Reporting.

Enter your details below to take advantage of this offer. 

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    Crops Online version 3.113 is live

    Last week we released version 3.113 of Crops Online into production. In this version we have added a “Popup screen” in which the hours that still need to be entered according to your contract are visible. 

    In addition, a new Photo overview has been added, which immediately shows all cultivation pictures that have recently been placed in Crops Online.

    Finally, a few minor improvements have been done. Please contact us to get a complete list of all changes in this version.

    by in Crops Online

    Crops Online Hobby is live!

    Breng uw tuin tot leven met onze geavanceerde software voor hobbytuinders! Of u nu een ervaren hobbytuinder bent of net begint met uw groene avontuur, onze software is uw betrouwbare metgezel voor het vastleggen van uw teeltgegevens, zoals teeltactiviteiten en oogstmomenten.

    Met onze intuïtieve interface kunt u moeiteloos uw tuinplanning organiseren. Vergeet nooit meer belangrijke datums voor zaaien, planten, bemesten en oogsten dankzij ons handige systeem, perfect afgestemd op uw specifieke tuinbehoeften.

    Of u nu droomt van sappige groenten, kleurrijke bloemen of weelderige kruiden, onze software voor hobbytuinders is uw ultieme partner voor succes. Begin vandaag nog met het creëren van uw bloeiende tuinparadijs en laat onze software u helpen om elk groeimoment te koesteren.

    Crops Online Hobby

    Crops Online Hobby is speciaal ontwikkeld voor de hobby markt en is het eenvoudige broertje van Crops Online. Heeft u een hobbytuin en wilt u uw teeltactiviteiten en oogstmomenten bijhouden, dan is Crops Online ideaal voor u. 


    Voor Crops Online Hobby hebben we een maand- en een jaarabonnement. Voor slechts 10 Euro per maand (excl. BTW) kunt u Crops Online Hobby gebruiken. Kiest u voor een jaarabonnement, dan krijgt u twee maanden gratis wat neerkomt op 100 Euro per jaar (excl. BTW). Beide abonnementen worden vooraf gefactureerd en kunt u zonder opzegtermijn opzeggen. 


    Door hier uw gegevens achter te laten, nemen we binnen 24 werkuren contact met u op hoe u het Crops Online Hobby kunt gebruiken. 

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      Crops Online version 3.109 is live

      Tonight we released version 3.109 of Crops Online into production. In this version we have fixed some bugs and made the following improvements:

      • A separate menu for Power BI dashboards has been added so that the Crops Online data can easily be made transparent via Power BI.
      • Crops Online has always been available in multiple languages, from this version you can use options to determine which languages ​​are available in the company.
      • This version makes it possible to create production orders and fields in one time.
      • Finally, it is now possible to upload files to Crops Online via a POST request, replacing via FTP.
      Please contact us for the complete list with changes in this release.
      by in Crops Online

      Summer deal extended: Crops Online Lite two months for free

      Due to great success, we extended our summer deal until the 1st of November 2023.

      Are you also curious about the status of the crops, but you cannot visit them always. Then Crops Online is the ideal solution for you!

      Crops Online makes it very easy to view the status of the crops, regardless of where they are located. All you need is an internet connection at the growing location and someone who enter the crop information on the spot. You can think of all kinds of crop checks, cultivation activities, harvest times and quantities, etc. You can also add photos with the crops, so that you can also see how crops are displayed.

      If you sign up for the 1st of November 2023, you can use Crops Online free for two months. This version is for one user, one growing location and a maximum of 50 crops, but can easily be expanded with more users and locations.

      With Crops Online Lite, you also get the following modules included:

      • Crops Online Field Checks
      • Crops Online Excel Reporting.

      Enter your details below to take advantage of this offer.

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        Summer deal: Crops Online Hour registration two months for free

        Would you like to know how much time and money the different crop activities costs? Then Crops Online Hour registration is the ideal solution for you!

        Crops Online Hour registration gives you extensive insight into the time and costs spent by your employees on the various crop activities. A link with Power BI allows you to create dashboards in which the hours are easily made transparent. 

        We also have links with various other systems, such as Exact, that can be used to charge the costs to your customers.

        If you sign up for the 1st of August 2023, you can use Crops Online free for two months. This version is for two users and a unlimited number of crops, but can easily be expanded with more users and locations.

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          by in Crops Online

          Summer deal: Crops Online Lite two months for free

          Are you also curious about the status of the crops, but you cannot visit them always. Then Crops Online is the ideal solution for you!

          Crops Online makes it very easy to view the status of the crops, regardless of where they are located. All you need is an internet connection at the growing location and someone who enter the crop information on the spot. You can think of all kinds of crop checks, cultivation activities, harvest times and quantities, etc. You can also add photos with the crops, so that you can also see how crops are displayed.

          If you sign up for the 1st of August 2023, you can use Crops Online free for two months. This version is for one user, one growing location and a maximum of 50 crops, but can easily be expanded with more users and locations.

          With Crops Online Lite, you also get the following modules included:

          • Crops Online Field Checks
          • Crops Online Excel Reporting.

          Enter your details below to take advantage of this offer.

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            by in Crops Online

            Telersvereniging Addenda gaat pilot doen met Crops Online

            Addenda® is een A-merk voor planten, opgericht door een vereniging van kwekers. Als één van de eerste kwekersverenigingen in Nederland beschikken ze over een breed assortiment Campanula, Hebe & Maori. Van planten in kleine potmaten, tot patiopotten- en wandhangers.

            Voor hun interne administratie gaan ze een pilot doen met Crops Online Urenregistratie zodat ze beter inzicht krijgen in hun werkzaamheden bij voor hun telers.
